Package travel conditions

Linked travel arrangements

KLM has partnerships with several parties, in order to offer you a complete journey. KLM makes it possible to book additional travel services with the following KLM partners, via a link on the KLM website or in the KLM app:

If you book an additional travel service from one of the above KLM partners via the KLM link on the co-branded partner website (where your destination and travel dates have already been filled in), and you do so no later than 24 hours after having received the confirmation of your flight ticket booked with KLM, then this additional travel service becomes part of a linked travel arrangement within the meaning of the Package Travel Directive.

The following legal required information will be shown to you in a banner on the KLM’s partner website: “If, after selecting and paying for one travel service, you book additional travel services for your trip or holiday via KLM’s partner, or GetYourGuide, you will NOT benefit from rights applying to packages under Directive (EU) 2015/2302. Therefore, KLM will not be responsible for the proper performance of those additional travel services. In case of problems, please contact the KLM’s relevant service provider, or GetYourGuide.”

However, if you book additional travel services via this website not later than 24 hours after receiving the confirmation of the booking from KLM, those travel services will become part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case KLM has, as required by EU law, protection in place to refund your payments to KLM for services not performed because of KLM's insolvency, and, where necessary, for your repatriation. Please note that this does not provide a refund in the event of the insolvency of the relevant service provider.

KLM has taken out insolvency protection with Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden (SGR), Admiraliteitskade 73B, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Travellers may contact this entity or, where applicable, the competent authority if the services are denied because of KLM's insolvency.

Note: This insolvency protection does not cover contracts with parties other than KLM, which can be performed despite KLM's insolvency.

Directive (EU) 2015/2302 as transposed into the national law